EF Discovery Tours
While most of your student’s best memories will be made with your family, your school and your community, EF students can also travel with other EF exchange students on our EF Discovery Tours. These trips take students to destinations all over the UK and Ireland where they can see the famous sights and experience another part of our great country.
Discovery Tours in the UK
Students are spending time in a new country already, so why not see more of it? This is their opportunity to visit the country's most treasured cities and sights, experience the natural beauty of our country in person and discover the diverse cultures within their new home. The cost of each trip varies depending upon their host town as well as the trip they select. We offer the following trips:
- London
- Ireland
- Scotland
See what an EF Discovery Tour is all about!
You will receive an overview of all student travel options prior to your student's arrival.
Discovery Days
These one-day excursions are scheduled throughout the year to give your student a chance to sightsee, shop and hang out with their friends!
They can enjoy 2 EF Discovery Days during their exchange year, and they are free to join! EF provides roundtrip transportation.
Destinations may include York and London.
EF Discovery Weekends
More to explore! These weekends include an overnight stay and open itineraries so your student has the freedom to discover.
Students can enjoy 4 EF Discovery Weekends during their exchange year. The cost varies per trip and EF provides accommodation for the duration of the trip as well as a group activity.
EF Discovery Tours
EF Discovery Tours are longer trips dedicated to discovering the best of what the UK and Ireland have to offer! Your student has the opportunity to enjoy up to 3 EF Discovery Tours during their year. The cost varies depending on the itinerary and location.
Destinations include London, Ireland and Scotland!
Before your student arrives
Preparation is key: how to make sure your family is ready
Add a personal touch to your student's room
How to prepare your exchange student for school
Student & Host family expenses: who pays for what?
8 things you need to know for your student’s upcoming flight
How to start building your relationship before your student arrives
The first days
Life with your student
Who to talk to if you have a question
Participation is important: help your student get involved locally
Overcoming challenges and misunderstandings with your student
Navigating religious differences and expectations
My student is struggling academically: how can I help?
Find your student now
Are you ready to experience a new culture at home? Talk with us and start your hosting journey now.
Tell us about yourself
Speak to an EF exchange advisor
Choose your exchange student